It's been hot the past few days, and dusty. Today was also a hot day, and dusty. Tonight, right now, there is a cool breeze, a little, coy breeze, dithering about, and I have my window flung open to catch it. This means rain. This is the exquisite pleasure of Delhi weather -- anticipating change. It will rain, and be gray, cool and colours will come to life. The next day it will be hot again, and terribly muggy. Afa is what they call it in Italy.
It is hot; it will be hot again; it will stay hot for many days after. But in between, there will be one evening of rain. What more could one ask for?
It is hot; it will be hot again; it will stay hot for many days after. But in between, there will be one evening of rain. What more could one ask for?